So after arriving in Corbett, we finally had the chance to lie down on
real beds! Cannot stress how important this was to us. Kaleah, Kevin, Alan and I stay in a bungalow, with the girls downstairs and the boys upstairs and we share a common living area and kitchen.
View from the outside. Already IN LOVE. |
Shared bedroom with Kaleah. |
Common living room. Bamf. |
Pretty bathroom too! |
With a few improvements here and there, I’d honestly have no problem transplanting our little bungalow back to Arkansas and living in it! Also – the heater in our room has been a Godsend! I know that we were warned about the cold weather in Corbett, but I never imagined it would actually sit anywhere between 30 – 40 degrees every day. In any case, after we finished unpacking and had some time to take a breather, we headed for the resort’s dining area for a buffet breakfast.
Main office. |
Another bungalow! The boys got a badass balcony! |
The food was wonderful and a welcome treat and we all ate plenty! After breakfast, we took a little more time to hang around the room and then headed straight for an elephant ride safari, which ended up being more like an elephant ride. All of us were clearly dead tired, but didn’t want to give up the opportunity to ride elephants yet again.
The ride was slow and the scenery was pretty, but we didn’t see many wild animals.
We saw trees. |
Lots and lots of trees. |
And medicine. Wut. |
And elephant booty. |
Semi-random village. |
And more trees. Yay! |
Nevertheless, it was a fun experience and we all had a good time soaking it in and talking to our fellow riders. At one point, I dropped my water bottle and felt horrible because I didn’t want to litter in such a beautiful jungle, but I couldn’t exactly hop off my elephant to retrieve it. But before I knew it the elephant behind mine quickly and deftly picked the bottle up with its trunk and handed it back to me safe and sound, which was amazing! It definitely made my day!
Elephant, Senad, Me, Elephant Guide, Elephant |
We returned to our resort and ate a wonderful lunch. After learning we needn’t be involved in anything till 7:00 that night, I quickly retreated to my room and
passed out. I enjoyed a very long nap, and woke up later that evening to head for dinner. We had the chance to sit by a bonfire which was glorious (!) and watch an entertaining traditional dance by some local performers.
Too much fun. |
We ate dinner after that and most of us retreated to Kaleah, Kevin, Alan and my bungalow to play cards and talk, which was a lot of fun!
Hanging out with my new BFFs. |
:D |
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