After we got home, courtesy of Christopher, I got a package in the mail. SNOW LEOPARD! Now maybe my computer will be less fail. Excited.
The kids and I just hung around the house for the rest of the day, playing Tetris Friends. I am an addict, and it’s upsetting. I found out that you can play frickin’ AGAINST people on Tetris Friends, so I hijacked Christine’s computer and vegetated for like, three hours.
Hahaha. We are all awesome and lazy. |
Grandma made dinner for us as usual – Chinese sausage rice and ABC soup! She is so awesome. She is easily my favorite person on Earth.
The next day (yesterday!) was a lot of fun and super busy. Chris and I got up at around 10 and ate some
zhong that my grandma made, which is a type of sticky rice with meat, mushrooms and beans. Omnomnom.
Boss. |
We had to get up early (hah – I use the term “early” very loosely here) because Laurence, Christopher, Christine and I were going to Los Feliz to check out a laptop for Laurence he had seen on Craigslist.
We met the seller at a Starbucks there at around 12, and did a pretty decent check on it. The laptop was a 2008 Macbook Pro, with all the bells and whistles, Final Cut Pro, Photoshop, still under Apple Care, ladida. All for $1,000. SKETCH, NO? But it checked out in the end, and we went across to the street to the bank to get the moneh. Very gangster-like. The seller guy said that he would meet us there (wut) and once we got the money, we double checked the computer since we had let it out of our sight once. We were not about to be cheated like Luan Legacy. Bahaha. Everything looked good, so the purchase was completed, and Laurence was disgustingly happy. Yay for happy endings!
Got Christopher and Laurence to drop Christine and I off at Atlantic Square so we could get her nails done and do some shopping.
After nails, we went to El Pollo Loco to get some churros. El Pollo Loco is so legit. And I’m not a fan of Mexican food at all.
We headed for some real lunch after at Taco Bell. I was basically trying to eat my fill of American food before going to Japan, where, according to my boyfriend, it is not legit. Got a crap ton of food, yadda yadda. Nothing new.
SO MUCH FOOD! Holy god. |
IN OTHER NEWS: TACO BELL’S CHEESY BEEF BURRITO IS SO GOOD. Omg omg omg. Five stars to Taco Bell for KEEPING IT SIMPLE. Beans mess EVERYTHING up. Cheese + Meat + Rice + Tortilla + 99 cents = YOU CAN’T GO WRONG.
We move on.
Went to Fedex-Kinko’s after lunch to get my itinerary/boarding information printed for my flight. Yay! Chris wanted to get some new shoes – Oxfords and gladiators, so we shopped around and of course, mission accomplished. And I shopped too. And got my hurr did. Boom.
Went home after grabbing some Starbucks (AMERICAN FOOD OKAY?) and paying with my Starbucks gift card. Let me tell you – Starbucks gift cards are so legit. If you ever want to get me anything and you’re like, “hmm, I don’t know what to get for Stacy.” It’s easy. Get me these.
Yeah. Chris had to drink some Pei Pa Koa, which is a magical Chinese medicine that cures everything. She is down with the flu or cough or something.
Stay away from me, sick person! |
We ordered some pizza for dinner (MORE AMERICAN FOOD), which my grandma was sweet enough to pay for. Chris and I split a stuffed crust pizza from Pizza Hut. Bahaha. We’re done eating, I swear.
Had a Skype call with Hannah after dinner and we discussed the parallels between boys regardless of age and location. It was awesome. And that same night, my grandma made some essence of chicken soup for Chris and I to drink, which is super, super great for you. She's awesome.
Chris and I went to bed after we played Tetris Friends and I packed.
Intended to wake up this morning at 8, which I did, and spoke to my boyfriend before going back to bed. Yeah. I do that. My grandma came to wake Chris and I at around 10 (whoops) and we ate Chinese noodles and some herbal soup since Christine is still kind of sick. Christopher and Laurence came to pick us up at around 11:15 and we headed to the airport! Got there about 40 minutes later, and said bye to everyone. It was sad times! I’m going to miss everyone!
I got in line at the Singapore Airlines counters, which weren’t open yet wtf, after saying bye. When they finally started checking people in, I was surprised at how long the turn around time was for the checking in...Singapore Air is usually on top of things. Ehhh. Grabbed some McD's for lunch pre-flight (I was like, three hours early), and am waiting at the gate for departure.
Bye, real American food! |
My next post will be in JAPAN.